Who Is the Real Enemy?

In just the few months since the 2020 election, many across America have watched in a state of stunned bewilderment that which is revealing itself to be a rapidly evolving overthrow of their values, their traditions, and indeed … even their country.

Their rights to vote, peacefully assemble, practice their faith and speak freely are all being kicked to the curb. Jobs are extinguished, our borders are opened, many churches are closed and local small businesses are vanquished as we are all commanded to be “good Americans” by standing far apart while covering our faces to protect us from a flu we have been taught to fear beyond reason. All to bring about the empowerment of an illegitimate, anti-American regime—led by a mentally enfeebled President—that is now issuing thinly veiled threats to any who might even think about questioning its legitimacy. And, while they condemn one wall intended to protect us from a migrant Trojan horse concealing a host of criminals trafficking in things like drugs and children, they cower behind another wall of their own design. Topped with Concertina razor wire and surrounded by thousands of national guardsmen, they feel their wall is necessary to protect themselves from some Americans who they feel have been unreasonably “disquieted” of late by the events surrounding the overthrow of their government. Which, incidentally, would include the outrageous attempt by those now wrongfully in power to codify into law—via HR1—the exact unlawful election infrastructure that enabled them to steal the election this time around.

To bring this overthrow to a halt, the confidence of many was initially placed in lawyers like Sydney Powell, Lin Wood and Rudy Giuliani. Following the glaringly obvious hijinks of the 2020 election, these legal super-stars all, in one way or another, offered 75 million patriotic Americans the hope that some form of a truth-bearing Kraken would soon be released in our courts to set the record straight, right the fraud and save America. At the time, however, few could have anticipated that, regardless of the quantity or quality of election fraud evidence they might offer to justify the reversal of a fraudulent election outcome, none of the courts they approached would be willing to even look at it. And, those judicial responses—or, more accurately, non-responses—especially by our Supreme Court, were as shocking to some as was the occurrence of the election fraud itself. For their decisions were final, leaving the petitioners—i.e. patriotic Americans— with no obvious means of appeal.

 As a result, many Americans today have been left asking:

Is there anything left that patriotic Americans can do to uphold and defend our Constitution, preserve our liberty and restore our republic?

To answer this question, however, perhaps there is another question it would be wise to answer first:

Exactly who is it that we are fighting that has the power to bring all this destructive unraveling of our liberties to fruition?

For, until that is answered, patriotic Americans can’t possibly evaluate with any accuracy whether they possess the resolve—much less the resources—to do what may be necessary to overcome that enemy.

In The Art of War, Sun Tzu put it this way:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” 

To even start the process, one must acknowledge that to know one’s enemy requires first that that enemy must be identified. On point, Sun Tzu also said:

“To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.” 

Logic and reason both suggest that one cannot possibly become an enemy that one can’t identify. In fact, until that is accomplished, any defensive activity patriots may engage in will be analogous to their boxing in the dark against an unknown enemy who already knows not only who the patriots are and what they stand for, but also knows their limitations—self-imposed or otherwise—all too well. Assuredly, such is a battle that will not end well… for the patriots.

Presently, there are a variety of terms by which patriots attempt to identify their enemy—e.g., the deep state, the swamp, or a globalist cabal. Yet, all fall short for the purposes of fully enabling patriots to know their enemy.  

For instance, few deny the presence of a deep state that is operating in America. But what does that mean? 

Wikipedia defines the term “deep state” as follows:

“It is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.”

On one level, this leaves us with an obvious question: “Who are those involved in these secret and unauthorized networks of power?” But, even were those to be identified, we are still left with the more important question: “Who is it that possesses the requisite power to control and direct these unauthorized networks of power to achieve a well-coordinated overthrow of America’s constitutional republic?”  

For instance, who are they who have the power to control and direct the many decisions made within the entire law enforcement and judicial branches of our federal government such that:

·      The Supreme Court summarily refuses to fulfill its constitutional duty—without offering any substantive explanation—to even look at the mountain of evidence delivered to their doorstep that purportedly is able to establish beyond any reasonable doubt that the presidential election of 2020 was stolen; while

·      Neither the Justice Department nor the F.B.I. has shown any more interest than the Supreme Court to review­—or even take possession of—any of that same evidence of election fraud, even if only for purposes of investigating whether either that alleged fraud actually did occur or if any federal election crimes were committed that should be prosecuted?  

Again that leaves us with, who are they who could possess such power?

Likely, they are the same individual or group that also had the incredible power necessary to successfully manipulate the levers of our government prior to the coup of 2020 such that:

·      The many known perpetrators of the many crimes committed in the course of the “Russian Hoax” that were used to attempt a treasonous takedown of a duly elected President—i.e. President Trump—are to this day not prosecuted; and

·      Former officials who either ordered, participated in or covered up, after the fact, the destruction of subpoenaed evidence in an attempt to cloak the truth that classified information was unlawfully stored on a private server in violation of the Espionage Act for the personal benefit of the political opponent of the President they were attempting to depose are also to this day not prosecuted.

These are facts, not speculation or theories. Facts that, in the aggregate, constitute strong evidence of the existence of an undeniably very real massive bureaucratic conspiracy to obstruct justice that is difficult to overlook, but even more difficult to explain—absent the existence of some form of centralized command that would be imperative to successfully coordinate such a massive bureaucratic undertaking.

Conceivably, that is the same unifying authority with the power—even exceeding that of the President, our Congress and the Supreme Court—to command the loyalty and cooperation of so many within our government as would be necessary to pull off the coup d’état that was made complete by the election of 2020. In fact, reason and logic strongly suggest that without some form of such centralized control and direction by some very powerful individual or group, the nationwide voter fraud patriots have alleged would not have been even remotely possible.

That would be the individual or group who is the enemy that patriots must identify, know and then defeat if they ever hope to successfully save the country their forefathers gave birth to. But to do that, based on what we already know, the patriots will clearly need help. The sad truth is that—but for the military—that enemy has already succeeded in corrupting and compromising our government’s judicial and law enforcement branches to such a degree that patriots cannot reasonably hold to any hope that their government will ever fulfill its duty to bring the truth to light. After all, nobody can—nor should— reasonably expect the civilian branches of our present government to impartially investigate their own corruption, enforce our laws against themselves, and thereby deliver true justice.  

But, if not them, then who?  

The only body within our government with the power and incentive to accomplish the task of assisting patriots to identify and defeat this enemy would appear to be our military in fulfillment of its sworn duty to defend and uphold the Constitution.

Certainly, whether such an intervention to reverse a coup is advisable, or even possible, is for those with a higher constitutional law pay grade to debate. But based on the events we have recently observed, of one thing we can be certain. If some kind of an intervention of that magnitude does not occur, it could very well leave the patriots of this country finding themselves soon being thrown into the dustbin of history … which is where their rulers may allow them to continue in vain to box in the dark.

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Clifford Nichols