Now is the Time for Patriotic Americans to Draw a Line in the Sand
The evidence is mounting that should make it clear, even to liberals, that last year, our election was stolen. But, the problem that leaves the country to deal with is, what to do about it?
Some would say, there’s nothing to be done. It’s too late to go back and try to fix 2020, so let’s all just move on to 2022 and make sure America does better next time.
To be sure, from the perspective of trying to maintain a modicum of peace and tranquility in the short term, this approach is appealing. Let’s face it, the crooks who stole the election are presently in control of our courts, Congress, the executive branch and the military. Thus, expecting them to simply say they are sorry and hand back the keys to the kingdom will be considered by some to be a tad delusional.
On the other hand, is that a good enough reason for patriotic Americans to not demand that they hand the keys back?
Before we accept such advice—i.e., move on, there’s nothing to be done here—let’s first consider the magnitude of the crime we may soon be confronted with.
Actions taken by a host of individuals in the dark of night to upend a national election with the specific intent to prevent a duly elected President from taking office in order to install an illegitimate regime contrary to the Constitution is not just the crime of “election fraud.”
Were it discovered that a foreign power had committed this same crime, would it not be considered an act of war?
So why should domestic insurrectionists (the election thieves), who are found to have engaged in the very same conduct, be treated any differently?
The answer, dictated by both logic and reason, is that they should not. Only, the correct name of the crime we are dealing with should be identified.
Election fraud committed in the course of a conspiracy to overthrow our constitutional republic is, at best, a lesser-included offense of a far greater crime, the same as “trespass” is a lesser-included offense of “burglary.”
The greater crime all these co-conspirators are truly guilty of is the crime of TREASON!
That being the case, treason is hardly a crime that any constitutional republic can allow to stand and hope to survive, much less one like America that claims to abide by the Rule of Law. It must be dealt with, particularly when the general public is made aware of its undeniable occurrence.
Or, does it?
Of course, one would hope that, when it comes time for our nation to answer this question, the Supreme Court will step up to the plate and do the right thing. Yet, under the feckless leadership of Chief Justice Roberts and the sheep-like behavior of the Court’s newbies, the likelihood of that lawful and peaceful alternative being obtained seems doubtful.
Sadly, to fill the void the Court’s inaction will leave, patriotic Americans committed to a restoration of a lawful government once again constrained by the Constitution and the Rule of Law will then have only the military to look to. In the midst of all this turbulence, there is one fact that both sides of this controversy can all agree is both immutable and incontrovertible: whichever side ultimately obtains the allegiance of the military is the side that will prevail.
If it were ever to come to this, in the patriots’ favor is another incontrovertible truth: i.e., it is literally impossible for the military to both fulfill its sworn duty to uphold and defend the Constitution and, at the same time, defend an unconstitutional government.
Moreover, as a logical extension of this truth, it would not be insurmountable for a significant plurality of the public to accept the military’s commencement of military tribunals to unwind the Constitutional crisis by resorting to the Constitution to deal with the treason. In other words, the military could institute publicly transparent judicial proceedings to deal with the treason that would be in full accord with all procedural safeguards necessary to ensure and protect each defendant’s constitutional right to due process while, at the same time, revealing to the world the truth of their treasonous behavior.
Unfortunately, however, logic alone may not dictate this will be the outcome.
The bottom line is that neither the Supreme Court Justices nor, by default, the generals, will be induced to do the right thing unless they believe that they have at least a significant plurality of public support for their decision. Thus, this is where We The People have to be willing to step forward and take a stand with a unified voice to speak plainly. Let both the Court and the military know in advance what the average person in America expects them to do: i.e., to uphold and defend the Constitution and restore The Rule of Law, as both are absolutely necessary for the preservation of our liberty.
To effect this purpose, I urge all patriotic Americans to read, sign and share The Declaration of Liberty that is now circulating online, not only across America, but in countries around the world as well. Note on the map below the unique visitors indicated by the blue dots that have already visited the site from around the globe in only the first few weeks of its publication.
The Declaration of Liberty traffic analytics, July, 2021
Quite simply, it is a platform of ideas and ideals that is uniting patriotic Americans to draw a line in the sand in defense of liberty, including a list of proposed remedies that they should insist upon, if they ever hope to preserve the constitutional republic that our Founding Fathers intended.
Its goal?
For patriotic Americans to tell the Marxist progressives in this country who hate America to get lost ... we're taking our constitutional republic back ... whether they like it or not!
If enough patriots rally together and publicly display such a unified determination to firmly resist any further trespasses upon their liberty, even the current Supreme Court might be persuaded to hear their voice, do the right thing and bless us all by allowing us to avoid having to even consider involving the military in our domestic affairs, much less our having to be concerned about which side they’ll take.
At least, that would be my sincere hope for the peaceful resolution of this constitutional crisis.
Whether it will happen, or not … time will tell.
The problem is that, the way things are going, patriotic Americans may not have much time left to unify before it is too late.
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